After all, I’m basically throwing out the theme of the card altogether and substituting something entirely different. I can just rename it something appropriately regal-sounding and move on-but as a theme-loving player, that has always felt like a shallow solution. More than once, back when the Dwarrowdelf cycle was yet young, I recall playing the card on Dáin Ironfoot and christening him “The Steward of Gondwarf”. Sometimes I have found it useful, however, to bend the theme of cards a bit to help justify playing them on other characters.

The Title trait found on Steward of Gondor seems to drive home the idea that the original intent behind the card was indeed to make the attached character the literal Steward. Yet the card as written works equally well on just about any Hero. Does that mean that anybody can become the literal Steward of Gondor? I have trouble imagining, for instance, Théoden taking up the white rod in service of a land over which he holds no claim, not to mention even more outlandish options like Bilbo Baggins or Treebeard. But mechanically speaking, the card has no such limitation-it can be placed on any Hero. I don’t think anybody would have any qualms about playing Steward of Gondor on Denethor, the actual Steward of Gondor himself. I can never decide what role I want it to serve in the deck, and I often wonder if the game would just be more fun if it weren’t part of the card pool.īut why? What makes me so hesitant to use so powerful a card? Thematically, it’s a little weird That’s pretty great!īut despite everything it has to recommend it, I’m often conflicted whenever I find myself building a deck with Steward of Gondor in it. A Core Set staple, it has been with us since day one, providing us with an extra 2 resources per round (and the Gondor trait) for any one Hero. There’s no denying that Steward of Gondor is powerful. Steward of Gondor has been on my mind ever since it featured prominently in the deck I built to defeat Nightmare Peril in Pelargir. Nightmare Into Ithilien has been giving me trouble this week (curse your extra attacks, Haradrim Elite!) so I’ve decided instead to write about a particular card with which I have a… complicated relationship.